Our Goals


The apparel industry and Fashion Design is the second largest industry in the world. This industry is vast and complicated industry with many diverse job and career choices.

Many urban and/or disadvantaged youth do not know these opportunities exist and do not have the tools to compete. Sewing and fashion require resources. Sewing machines, ongoing need for fabrics and materials, tools, as well as instruction is out of financial reach for many. The marginalized populations that So You Can affects cannot afford resources to acquire the skills necessary to enter this industry. Providing accessible programs that focus on building self -esteem, self-awareness and inner strengths will provide youth and adults with the skills necessary to compete in a global economy.

So You Can offers mentorships, internship, placement and networking opportunities which in turn enables students and community members to realize self-sufficiency and success.

As a natural consequence of the So You Can program, a student would be able to teach the next person these learned skills. Neighborhood sewing circles, cooperatives and camps could be formed to educate a wider group.