Our Programs

Garment construction is a discipline that is not only occupational but is vocational. So You Can instructs in the disciplines of garment construction which can lead to viable career choices including:

  • fashion design
  • seamstresses
  • dressmakers
  • tailors
  • alterations experts

We train and coach young people in modeling, posture and styling. Additionally learning to sew and fashion design leads to entrepreneurial opportunities.

Sewing and construction qualify as a component in STEM education as discussed in Slate.com article.

“Traditional low-tech activities can be incredibly important for enhancing STEM education. And there is much more interplay between advances in technology and in crafting than you might think.”

Our programs include learning to sew by hand and machine, Garment alterations, Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandising, Tailoring, Professional Runway Techniques, How to pose for the camera, how to prepare for castings, how to dress for success, anti-bullying, stage and show production, Fashion Photography, Health and wellness, Leadership and Entrepreneurship.

So You Can offers classes in afterschool on site/in school settings, houses of worship, as well as community centers and partnership locations: YMCA, Boys clubs and Girls clubs.

So You Can operates store front/studio locations which are strategically located in urban areas. It is through these locations that classes are offered.

So You Can studio classes begins with mommy and me and continues from early school years through high school. Classes are available in the day, evening, and weekends and school breaks.

So You Can supports and participates with GSUSA and 4-H clubs in their sewing curricula. A Variety of sewing, fashion design and creative programs and events are offered in monthly programs in shopping malls, hotel conference rooms, and community centers.

Our programs are potential opportunities for any urban/disadvantaged area across the country.

Additionally, So You Can has created branded sewing kits. These sewing kits are unique to the market. They were developed in order to teach hand and/or machine sewing to those who do not have ready access to supplies. Each kit is complete with precut fabric, needle and thread. They will be assembled and sold in urban areas as economic development to those communities. They will also be sold across the country to retailers. These kits will allow older youth and adults to create products to sell through entrepreneurial efforts, or be used as learning tools in smaller, more independent neighborhood sewing groups.